PAEH - 20,000 Homes Campaign

20,000 Homes Campaign

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PAEH 2016 Registry Week

Spearheaded by the CAEH, the 20,000 Homes Campaign is a national movement of communities working together to end chronic homelessness in 20 communities and house 20,000 of Canada’s most vulnerable homeless people by July 1, 2020.

The campaign typically kicks off with a Registry Week – a community-wide effort to identify by name every person experiencing homelessness within the community, assess and document their specific needs, and prioritize them for housing based on their vulnerability. Campaign communities then set ambitious housing targets, turn the Registry Week lists into by-name lists, improve the coordination of their housing and homeless systems, and begin the work of housing people using Housing First.

Presently, there are 44 communities across 9 provinces and territories participating in the campaign. To date, the campaign has housed 15,089 people.