The Region of Peel, in partnership with PAEH, conducted a joint PiT count and Registry Week over a 24 hour period from April 24th to 25th, 2018. This was the first of regular bi-annual enumerations t used to track progress towards ending homelessness in Peel. Results offered a “snapshot” of homelessness in the community, and was considered the minimum number of people experiencing unsheltered and sheltered homelessness. Findings were built on those from the 2016 Registry Week conducted by PAEH (see below).
Working together, we can ensure that #EveryoneCountsPeel
“Eliminating homelessness in the Peel Region will produce enormous financial benefits, and alleviate unacceptable personal costs to those experiencing homelessness. As a community collaborative dedicated to creating system change, PAEH believes that an integrated approach to addressing homelessness starts with enumeration. This baseline will enable us to measure our progress, and contribute to our partnered efforts in prioritizing Peel’s most vulnerable community members.”
Sharon Douglas – Chair, Peel Alliance to End Homelessness
Teams of volunteers were assigned to outdoor or indoor count locations. These locations were identified prior to the count by working with community agencies and people with lived experience to target areas that people experiencing homelessness were likely to be.
Community Volunteers
Trained volunteers, including experienced professionals in the social services sector and individuals with lived experience, administered the surveys.
The PiT Count gives information on the demographics and service needs of individuals. The Registry Week survey asked participants for their names and more personal information to enable service providers to better find and match available housing to meet their needs.